Measure and Grow Your Wealth

Want to ensure your money is working for you? There are a couple of key reviews you should do each year to help you reach your goals. One of them is calculating your Net Worth.

Your Net Worth is your own personal balance sheet. It measures your wealth by comparing:

What You Own (retirement accounts, real estate, cars)


What You Owe (student loans, mortgage, car loans)

Download the free Smart Sister Finance Net Worth calculator to get started.

When you are first starting your financial journey, your Net Worth may be negative if you have student loan debt and don’t own assets like real estate or a car. Don’t despair! What you want to measure is PROGRESS. Does your Net Worth get less negative each year? Can you see the point in the next few years when it will turn positive and grow?

When you are making monthly payments and just putting one foot in front of the other, it's hard to see how far you have come. When reviewing your Net Worth, take a moment to celebrate your wins...

  • How much has your student loan debt decreased?

  • How much has your employer retirement plan increased?

  • How much have you paid on your mortgage, increasing equity in your home?

A regular review of Net Worth can keep you focused on the big picture and what matters to you in your life. Measure your progress regularly, make conscious money choices and your wealth will grow. That’s smart, Sister!

Bridget Jones founded Smart Sister Finance on the truth that money confidence unlocks life choices. Smart Sister Finance offers customized one-on-one coaching and online group events to ensure that every precious, hard-earned dollar has a purpose and is used to the best advantage in life. Join the community of smart sisters @SmartSisterFinance.