Supportive coaching, sisterhood and money maintenance strategies that fuel the life you want to lead.

It’s normal not to know “this stuff”.

You didn’t miss a class. You didn’t sleep through personal finance 101. Most of us get well into adulthood before realizing that a financial knowledge gap exists.


No matter your age, income or level of financial confidence, you should have a money strategy that supports your life.


In one-on-one coaching, we build a money confidence machine around you that is…


Easy to understand and apply.

Key concepts, tailored to your life stage and lifestyle with easy maintenance to keep money flowing and growing.


You will know what to do when you get a big promotion, switch jobs, combine households, launch your own business, prepare for kids.


I will be with you to find the right tools to meet your specific goals on a timeline that fits into your life.


Stop beating yourself about all the “shoulds”... you are ready NOW and that is the best time to start.

I should have started saving earlier...

I should have opened/maxed out my 401k years ago...

I should have been smarter about my stock options...

I should have done that rollover years ago...

I should have bought a house in my 20s....

I should have bought a house as soon as I moved here...

I should have asked for more in the divorce...

I should have insisted that we review the finances together...

I should have attended the meetings with our advisor...

I should have put myself on a budget...

I should have said no to that trip/wedding/bachelorette extravaganza...

I should have listened to that person who told me to buy APPL stock years ago...

I should have asked for help a long time ago…

“Bridget’s wisdom and guidance about financial wellness and investing have made me stronger, empowered, and more confident in every aspect of my life.”

Gift a money confidence session

Have a friend that needs coaching support on their financial journey?

women power fist

Let's talk about how to make your money work for you.

Your relationship to money is personal and unique to you. There are no right or wrong answers and there is no shame about where you are on your financial journey. You have to decide what is enough for yourself and feel confident in that decision.

When you sign up for a free consultation, we start with your life goals and then discuss how money can support those goals and fund your freedom.

I have loved working with you. It has been super transformative on many fronts!
— Angela L.

What do you want to know?

Q: Are you a Financial Advisor?

No. While I have deep experience in finance, accounting, taxation and teaching people to invest, I do not have a license to trade on behalf of others. Smart Sister Finance was founded on the belief that everyone can learn money basics and make investment choices for themselves.


Q: Will we finish in a certain number of sessions?

After a free initial consultation, you will receive a detailed proposal from Smart Sister Finance that outlines the number of sessions and the topics we will cover in each session. Coaching is charged by the hour and clients pay for time actually spent after each session.


Q: What does custom really mean?

Our sessions are flexible and can incorporate your current processes and the financial institutions that you choose for banking and investing. Learning to money is hard enough; we won't subject you to a rigid budgeting method or retirement planning tool. Don't have any tools today? Smart Sister Finance has budget templates, training materials and other free, flexible tools for clients to use.

Bridget was a remarkable coach who helped me understand, digest and plan for investing in real estate. She walked me through various investment options and gave me an investment allocation schedule that keeps me on track. I feel confident and excited to reach my goal of buying a home thanks to Bridget’s help.
— Sabiha V.